Improved water resource management through remote sensing: methods to quantify irrigation water use
- Creator: Bretreger, David
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2023
Limits to adaptation: Reducing irrigation water in the Murray-Darling Basin dairy communities
- Creator: Alston, Margaret , Clarke, Josephine , Whittenbury, Kerri
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
A paleoclimate rainfall reconstruction in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), Australia: 1. Evaluation of different paleoclimate archives, rainfall networks, and reconstruction techniques
- Creator: Ho, Michelle , Kiem, Anthony S. , Verdon-Kidd D. C.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
A paleoclimate rainfall reconstruction in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), Australia: 2. Assessing hydroclimatic risk using paleoclimate records of wet and dry epochs
- Creator: Ho, Michelle , Kiem, Anthony S. , Verdon-Kidd D. C.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Assessing techniques for reconstructing paleoclimate rainfall in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, in the absence of in-situ archives
- Creator: Ho, Michelle , Kiem, Anthony S. , Verdon-Kidd, D. C.
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2015
Droughts and pluvials in the Murray-Darling Basin over the past two and a half millennia
- Creator: Ho, Michelle , Kiem, Anthony S. , Verdon-Kidd, D. C.
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2015
A paleoclimate-informed examination of flood and drought epochs in the Murray-Darling Basin
- Creator: Ho, Michelle
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2014
Broadening the spatial applicability of paleoclimate information - a case study for the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- Creator: Ho, Michelle , Verdon-Kidd D. C. , Kiem, Anthony S. , Drysdale, Rusell N.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Paleoclimate studies and natural-resource management in the Murray-Darling Basin I: past, present and future climates
- Creator: Mills, K. , Gell, P. , Hesse, P. P. , Jones, R. , Kershaw, P. , Drysdale, R. , McDonald, J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Understanding hydroclimate processes in the Murray-Darling Basin for natural resources management
- Creator: Gallant, A. J. E. , Kiem, A. S. , Verdon-Kidd, D. C. , Stone, R. C. , Karoly, D. J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Misattribution of climate trends in the Murray Darling Basin
- Creator: Lockart, N. A. , Kavetski, D. , Franks, S. W.
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2009
Is human-induced climate change causing the current Australian drought?
- Creator: Franks, Stewart
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008